Philadelphia Independent Living Programs
Tabor Children's Services is committed to supporting positive youth development by facilitating youth skill enhancement to promote successful transition from care.
Supervised Independent Living:
Supervised Independent Living focuses on youth who have been adjudicated dependent or delinquent to the county and meet the eligibility requirements for independent living Services. Youth must be approaching 18 years of age, participate in life skills training and be committed to obtaining further education with the intent to become self-sufficient.
Aging Out Independence:
Aging Out Independence provides supportive services for young men and women who may be referred between the ages of 18 and 21 who are willing to participate in mental health treatment. The young women may have one or two children who are no older than age 7. The program assists young adults with behavioral health needs in preparing to transition to adulthood.
Program supports and services build on the strengths of the individuals and promote their success in becoming more independent. These services include case management, activities in life skills education groups and limited housing support. Duration of services can vary based on the progress and need of each individual, but may last up to three years from the time of their admission into the program.
Our Location
57 East Armat Street
Philadelphia, PA 19144