Why Foster?

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The simplest answer to the question “Why Foster?” is because it helps children and youth in need. Foster care (also known as out-of-home care) is a temporary service provided by States for children who cannot live with their families. Children in foster care may live with their relatives or with unrelated foster parents. Foster care can also refer to placement settings such as group homes, residential care facilities, emergency shelters, and supervised independent living.

In the Philadelphia area alone, there are around 3,500 children and youth in foster care. Without the help of foster families, any of these children’s lives can take a turn for the worst. Because of foster families, these children and youth are given the opportunities to live a happy, healthy life.

At Tabor Services, Inc., we offer a few different fostering programs. There are three types of foster care: Kinship Care, Treatment Care, and Respite Care.

Kinship Care refers to the care of children by relatives, or in some jurisdictions, close friends (often referred to as Fictive Kin). Relatives are the preferred resources as it maintains the children’s connection with their birth family.

Treatment Foster Care offers specialized supports for children experiencing difficulties with the emotional impact of early deprivation, abuse, or separation and loss. The children were found by the courts to be at imminent risk of harm and placed in the child welfare system.

Respite Care is a service that enables the foster parent to take a break from meeting the special needs of the child in care, while also giving the child the benefit of a stimulating change of environment.

Our Regional Director implores you to take on the responsibility of being a Foster parent because we need families willing to open their heart and home to children who are hurting. To get in touch with Tabor Services for more information, please call 215-842-4800 or visit this link. There are children and youth in need. Will you step up and give them the help and care they need?

Become a foster parent. Change lives.