Meet Our Youth: Adriana T.

Adriana T., 19
Background: Grew up originally in Norristown, a rough home life, Mom was murdered at age 7, Dad got arrested at age 12, went into kinship care, age 15-17 was a ward of the state/placed in shelter in & out of care due to family conflicts.
Currently majoring in psychology at Montgomery County Community College (all A’s last semester) transferring to Ursinus after receiving associate’s from MCCC to finish out a bachelor’s in psych.
Currently working as a special education paraprofessional at the Pottsgrove Middle School, plan to continue working with children with autism, just began RBT training, end goal BCBA, will also continue work with systems of care, is a member of the youth voices panel for CASA - active participant in Tabor life/job skills classes, have been asked to help support classes/have a higher role due to repeating information over time, Emily Trent my main caseworker, is a fundamental part in who/where I am today, she pushed to advocate for me to secure my future.