Doylestown Youth Temple University Trip

On a beautiful Fall morning on Thursday November 2, the Doylestown office and youth embarked on a day journey to Temple University Campus. Planned by our Mentor Specialist and YAB Coordinator Kate Horan, staff Dawn Mott Assistant Director and Rosaleen Holohan Aftercare Specialist picked up youth from Upper County and met at the Warminster train station and on the other side of town in Lower County, Kate and Aisha Shepherd Board Extension Worker picked up youth and met at the Levittown train station. Youth were taught how to take the Septa transit straight to the heart of temple University building. The youth were able to observe the culture of Temple University campus and loved the urban vibes mixed with academia. Even staff wanted to sign up again to be students. What an amazing time and school. After the tour was over, Kate who is a Temple Alumni herself, gave us an additional tour 2.0.
Youth and staff found their way back to the Student Union building and ate lunch at the food court among the students and there were so many options to choose from for all taste buds. The entire group walked back to the train station together and said their goodbyes as the two groups went back to their original destinations. Not only did the youth have amazing time, but workers will be assisting some of the youth with applying for this college in present time. Indeed a beautiful day with the youth that reminds us all why we do this work.